Artist of the Month

Alice Brooks

The Courtyard of the Hospital in Arles, 1889

Following art A-level, I studied fine art and broader creative modules in film and theatre production at university in Connecticut. I did not pursue this at the time to a full degree level, and instead followed a path of psychology, eventually training and working as a clinical psychologist in older adult mental health services.

When time allowed, I continued to take courses in art alongside my career, and five years ago decided to pause clinical practice to focus more of my time on art. I’m also interested in the curation of art, completing a postgraduate summer school at the Royal College of Art in 2021, and the interplay between mental health and the arts.

When did you become an artist and why?
I have always considered myself an artist. Even when I was not putting pen to paper, I often took a creative approach in my clinical work, considering ways in which non-verbal expression could enhance therapeutic outcomes. I was also very interested in narrative approaches, striving to understand and analyse experiences and perspectives of people through their stories. The artwork I am most proud to create is that which taps into a narrative, conveying a story or journey within the piece.

I am an artist simply because it brings me joy.

What is your preferred medium and why?
While all mediums have their advantages and disadvantages, acrylic paints work best for me when I am facing tight deadlines in commission work. I offer commissions for individuals and schools of landscape/ cityscape scenes with personalised features. When I’m not painting, I also love to get messy with charcoal, a putty rubber and large piece of paper.

What are you working on now?
I am currently enrolled in a contemporary drawing class at Putney School of Art and Design. I am enjoying the focus on the textural qualities of studio objects using mixed media. I am also working on paintings of local Barnes scenes, my favourite subject matter!

What shows do you have coming up?
I will be exhibiting at the Barnes Art Fair at St. Michael & All Angels Church in November. I am aiming to produce half a display panel and some browser work of local Barnes scenes. I am also exploring options for this year’s Christmas Fairs and events.

Do you have a favourite artist?
Vincent van Gogh’s life story has always fascinated me. Post-impressionism is my favourite art movement, and I admire Van Gogh’s determination to paint in the face of public criticism and mental health challenges. The psychologist in me would love to have met with him to talk through the series of events, thoughts, emotions, (and altercations with Gauguin!) in the period leading up to his hospital admission.

Anything else?
Many years ago I was an avid scuba diver, and took speciality courses in underwater photography and videography! One day I hope to rekindle this passion.